
ager, agri, m., field, territory
agricola, -ae, m., farmer
amicus, -i, m., friend
annus, -i, m., year
aqua, -ae, f., water
bellum, -i, neuter, war
caelum, -i, n., sky
campus, -I, m., field, plain
dea, -ae, f., goddess*
deus, -i, m., god
donum, -i, n., gift
equus, qui, m., horse
Europa, -ae, f., Europe
femina, -ae, f., woman
filia, -ae, f., daughter*
fortuna, -ae, f., fortune, chance
Gallia, Galliae, f., Gaul
Germania, -ae, f., Germany
gladius, gladii, m, sword
Hispania, -ae, f., Spain
insula, -ae, f., island
Italia, Italiae, f., Italy
legatus, -i, m., envoy; lieutenant
lingua, linguae f., tongue, language
littera, -ae, f., letter (of alphabet); in plural, letter (epistle), letters
ludus, -i, m., game; school
memoria, -ae, f., memory
natura, -ae, f., nature
nauta, -ae, m., sailor
nuntius, nuntii, m., messenger,
oppidum, -i, n., town
patria, -ae, f., country, native land
periculum, -i, n., danger, risk
poeta, -ae, m., poet
porta, -ae, f., gate
provincia, -ae, f., province
puella, -ae, f., girl
puer, pueri, m., boy
regnum, -i, n., kingdom, kingship
Roma, -ae, f., Rome
servus, -i, m., slave
silva, -ae, f., forest
terra, -ae, f., earth, land
tuba, -ae, f., trumpet
verbum, -i, n., word
via, -ae, f., road, way
villa -ae, f., farmhouse
vir, viri, m., man; husband
vita, -ae, f., life
* In the dative and ablative plural dea and filia have the irregular forms deabus and filiabus, to distinguish them from the corresponding forms of deus and filius.
saltus, alta, altum, high, deep
bonus, bona, bonum, good
ferus, fera, ferum, wild, fierce
latus, lata, latum, wide, broad
longus, longa, longum, long
magnus, magna, magnum, large, great
malus, mala, malum, bad
meus, mea, meum, my, mine
multus, multa, multum, much, (pl, many)
parvus, parva, parvum, small, little
tuus, tua, tuum, your, yours (when speaking to one person)
All the following verbs have principle parts of the form ­o, -are, -avi, -atum unless otherwise noted.
amo, I love, I like
convoco, I call together, I summon
do, dare, dedi, datum, I give
exspecto, I expect, I wait for
habito, I live, I dwell
laboro, I labor, I suffer under
laudo, I praise
narro, I tell, I relate
navigo, I sail
nuntio, I announce, I report
occupo, I seize, I capture
paro, I prepare, I prepare for
porto, I carry
pugno, I fight
specto, I look at
sto, stare, steti, statum, I stand
supero, I surpass, I defeat
voco, I call
vulnero, I wound
non, (adverb) not
et, (conjunction) and
sed, (conj.)but
quid?, (interrogative pronoun) what?
ubi?, (interrogative adverb)
-que, (enclitic conjunction) and (connects words of like syntax, must be translated before the word to which it is attached, e.g., agri villaeque, fields and houses)
a, ab, (preposition with the ablative) from, away from
ad, (preposition with the accusative) to, toward, near
cum, (preposition with the ablative) with
de, (prep. with abl.) from, down from, about, concerning
e, ex, (prep. with abl.) from, out of
in, (prep. with ace. of place to which) into, against; (with abl. of place where) in, on
sub, (prep. with ace. of place to which) under, up to, to the foot of; (with abl. of place where) under, at the foot of
sine, (prep. with abl.) without